
Applying for a Producer Account

Connecticut FAIR Plan will only accept business from producers holding a license issued by the Connecticut Department of Insurance. To set up a producer account with our company, you will need to complete and submit the following information:

  • A completed Request for Producer Account form (required)
  • A copy of your current Connecticut Insurance License (required)
  • A completed and signed IRS Form W-9 (required)
  • A copy of the buyout agreement if active policies will need to be transferred from another company (if applicable)

Producer Authority

The FAIR Plan has no agents, and the use of the term "Agent" does not grant any contract relationship, either real or implied, between the FAIR Plan and any individual or entity.

  1. NO PRODUCER HAS THE AUTHORITY TO BIND COVERAGE IN THE FAIR PLAN, issue policies, endorsements or cancellation notices nor assign the adjustment of any loss on behalf of the FAIR Plan.
  2. The Connecticut licensed producer is acting as the designated representative of the applicant or insured and not as an agent of the FAIR Plan.

Producer Summary & Manual

This CT FAIR Plan Producer Manual will explain what, when and how to apply to the FAIR Plan.

Table of Contents:

  • Foreword and Producers' Authority
  • Who to contact in the FAIR Plan
  • How and Where to Apply
  • Binder Provision
  • Eligible Property and Coverages
  • Limits of Insurance
  • Vacant, Unoccupied, Estate, Under Renovation or Construction Properties
  • Inspections/Reinspection
  • Adverse Underwriting Conditions
  • Cancellations and Declinations
  • Appeals
  • Renewal Policies
  • Premiums and Commissions
  • Claims
  • Policy Changes (Endorsements)
  • Condominiums
  • Privacy Policy
  • Forms Index
  • Manual Index

New Application Submission

The Application for Basic Property and Liability Insurance is ACORD 66 CT and may be filed directly by any CONNECTICUT LICENSED PRODUCER and MUST BE PROPERLY COMPLETED, SIGNED, and DATED BY THE APPLICANT.

The Notice of Adverse Underwriting Decision (page 4 of the application) must be completed for all OWNER-OCCUPIED dwellings.

A CORPORATE QUESTIONNAIRE must accompany an application from a company, corporation, trust or holding company, or partnership.

A VACANCY QUESTIONNAIRE must accompany vacant or unoccupied applications.

If the application is unsigned or so incomplete that we cannot begin processing, it will be returned to the producer.

If incomplete, but we are able to begin processing the application, we will send a request (Form #21) for the missing information.

An inspection will be ordered, and we have 20 days to get back to you with a quotation or a declination. Our 20 days do not begin until we have a completed and signed application.

If the risk is acceptable, a quotation will be mailed to the producer only. If condition charges apply, they will be listed on the quotation with a separate premium. If the conditions are corrected, notify us in writing for reinspection and possible removal of the charge.

The quotation is valid for 60 days from the date of issuance. Coverage will become effective upon receipt of the total annual premium in the office of the FAIR Plan. Let us know if you want coverage to become effective on a specific date after the receipt date.

If the risk is unacceptable, a Declination Notice will be mailed to the applicant and the producer. See APPEALS section of the Producers' Manual.

The Expiration Notification and Application for Continued Coverage is mailed to the insured and the producer 60 - 90 days prior to the policy expiration date. We do not notify the mortgagee. Coverage will lapse if we do not receive the full annual premium on or before the expiration date. (See the Producers' Manual for details.)


Use the Request for Endorsement form for policy changes. All requests will be effective only after review and approval by the Plan. NO PRODUCER HAS THE AUTHORITY TO BIND THE FAIR PLAN TO ANY CHANGES.

Increase(s) in Amount of Insurance
A request for an increase in the amount of insurance must be explained under the remarks section of the Request for Endorsement form and provide sufficient documentation for the increase.

Decrease(s) in Amount of Insurance
A request for a decrease in the amount of insurance will be effective the date the request is received in the Plan AND REQUIRES THE INSURED'S SIGNATURE.

Assignment of Interest (Change of Ownership)
We will NO LONGER endorse a new owner (named insured) onto an existing policy. The new owner must complete and sign an Application for Basic Property and Liability Insurance (ACORD 66 CT). We will release a new quotation and issue a policy when we receive the full annual premium. The amount of insurance will be written at current building values.

Other Changes
Use Request for Endorsement form for removal permit (moving contents to a new location), change of insured or producer address, adding new perils, change of mortgagee or loss payee, etc. The form explains what we need for certain changes.

Change in Producers
No Producer of Record letter is required at renewal.

We will no longer be endorsing policies with a producer change mid-term. The original policy must be returned for cancellation. The new producer has to submit a new application with a Producer of Record letter, a quotation will be provided, and coverage will become effective when we receive the total annual premium.

This procedure should not create a lapse in coverage for the insured.

Change My Contact Information

Contact Information Changes: It is the producer's responsibility to keep us informed of agency name, email, telephone number, and address changes. Please send an email with any contact updates.

C-MAP Coastal Market Assistance Program

The Coastal Market Assistance Program (C-MAP) has been created to assist homeowners living in Connecticut coastal areas who have been unable to obtain insurance. C-MAP was created by the Insurance Companies that write homeowners insurance in Connecticut under the authorization of the Connecticut Insurance Department and is administered by the Connecticut FAIR Plan.

Applicants to C-MAP must go to a producer or agent to assist them in all insurance transactions.

Detailed Information:

C-MAP Applications and Required Documents: